Saturday, March 8, 2008

the creepy-crawlies

Check this out - I have spiders infesting my room! it's disgusting!

I wonder how many spiders I eat every night? How many of these many-legged creatures crawl into the wonderfully warm, dark, moist open cavern of my mouth, and find their end? ugh. it's disturbing to think about for too long...

I found this one on my window the other night - I mercilessly ordered the death penalty for invasion of my room. However my mom interceded (as she was the one who was to do the dirty job) and kindly let him escape out the front door. I threatened that if I ever saw him again, or any of his relatives, they would surely die!!!

Sure enough, two days later another of his breed daringly showed himself, but made sure he was out of reach. This time I was not going to allow escape or mercy to intercede - I brutally crushed the wretched creature, and sent him into the swirling, foaming, smelly death of toilet-sewage. I have taken it upon myself to rid my room and home of these horrid creatures - the very thought of having them crawling around creeps me out!

But anyone would have to admit, they are so very intricately fashioned... so delicate, and perfectly made. For me however, that's as far as it goes... I cannot abide having such things in our home, much less in my own room!

Michele I hope that you - the queen of fear of spiders - will yet be able to sleep soundly in my room, despite knowing about the presence of these evil creatures in our house. But don't worry - I'm sure they're very nutritional! ;) Ruth also has some interesting posts indeed on various nutritional snacks - very intriguing... and take a look at this website for the strangest of all recipes.... if you dare! (I'm apprenticing with Ruth in cooking :) who knows what may enter the pot next?


Michele said...

I'd have rather not known at all. Oh and what a frightening looking one. It makes me shudder. Perhaps they like the plant in your room? Well, I bid you the best in your efforts to rid them.

Louise said...

hehe I'm sorry to have unveiled such horrendous atrocities, and to have disclosed the presence of these despicable creatures in our house!

I may have eaten all of them already, so I wouldn't fear too much.
