Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In Vitro Fertilization

I was doing research for a project I'm doing for one of my classes, and came across this video on in vitro fertilization on the National Geographic website. It's so amazing what doctors can do these days!! take a look...


Anonymous said...

We can attest to the amazement of invitro - we have a beautiful eight month girl who we had through invitro. The Lord has truly blest us with this amazing technology. At the same time, we have to be careful with the technology we have been given and make sure that we use it in accordance with God's Word. We believe that life begins at conception and must remember that in all of this technology. Thankfully, the doctor and nurses we worked with respected the limits we put on them and although it lowered our "chances" of having a child, God has seen fit to bless us with our daughter.

Roger and Jodi Smit

Louise said...

wow that's so cool! I'm so happy for you both! There definitely is a lot of debate about the ethics of invitro - b/c conception is where life starts whether clinically or naturally. The Lord is good to have blessed you with your daughter, even though your 'chances' may have been slimmer!