This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"
Lamentations 3:21-24
January 29, 2009: Mom's 57th birthday :) Mom's surprise birthday party was a definite success!!!!! it was so much fun surprising her! The evening before her birthday I wrote her a card with a coupon for 2 free breakfasts at Cora's breakfast... We arranged to have the flowers ready and waiting on the table for us when we came, so when Mom said to the waitress in her cute way: "it's my birthday today, and my daughter's taking me for breakfast!" the waitress replied, "I know... I think the whole restaurant knows it's your birthday!" :) Mom nearly fell over backwards when she said that, and saw the flowers :)
Carole and I worked late last night when Mom went to bed to get everything ready, so when we came back from breakfast, everyone was there waiting! she was so surprised she teared up... she loved it though :) all day she's been saying how wonderful her birthday was, how much she loved every moment of it!
Thank you to everyone who came for the tea party - it was late notice, and we're so thankful that each of you could have made it out. She's such a special person, and we all thank God so much for her example of love, humility, and hospitality to everyone.
my new nephew David and his dear mommy, my sister!
I never saw a moor, I never saw the sea; Yet I know how the heather looks, And what a wave must be. I never spoke with God, Nor visited in heaven; Yet certain am I of the spot As if the chart were given.
-- Emily Dickinson Part Four: Time and Eternity , XVII
This year Kevin & Carole decided to put Ashleigh on a soccer team... at first she would run away from the ball, but thankfully by the end of the season she had greatly improved, and was becoming quite the seasoned soccer player by the time the season was over! :)
Ashleigh's loyal fans - who were often more interested in the candies and chips than in the game itself :) it got pretty chilly towards the end of the season...
The other weekend Rachel, Maria, Sharon and I had a wonderful time minigolfing together... sisters with sisters :) we had a great time! all of us were pretty much evenly matched, each of us being way over par :) maybe that's why my nose is all wrinkled in this picture, hehe
Maria was quite the pro - her first time mini-golfing, and she got 2nd place!
Thanks for coming out with me Rachel & Maria! :)
we're still missing the other half of our date - don't let me forget it!
This life of ours on earth is but a preparatory one... You are tired and weary and you feel at times it is too much for you? Go back and look at your life and put it into the context of eternity. Stop and ask yourself what it all means. It is nothing but a preparatory school. This is but the antechamber of eternity and all we do in this world is but anticipatory of that. Our greatest joys are but the first fruits and the foretaste of the eternal joy that is coming.... It is the sheer grind of daily life that gets us down.... But the answer is to look at it all and to put it all into its great context and to say, 'We are going on to eternity and this is but the prepareatory school'. What a difference that makes...
'The world is too much with us,' that is our trouble. We are too immersed in our problems. We need to look ahead, to anticipate, to look forward to the eternal glories gleaming afar. The Christian life is a tasting of the firstfruits of that great harvest which is to come. 'Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that lov e HIm'.... Realize something in mind and heart of the glory of the place to which you are going. That is the antidote, that is the cure. The harvest we shall reap is certain, it is sure. 'Therefore,' says Paul to the Corinthians, 'be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord'. Go on with your task whatever your feelings; keep on with your work. God will give the increase, He will send the rain of His gracious mercies as we need it. Thre will be an abundant harvest. Look forward to it. 'Ye sahll reap.'
First Book of Daily Readings, exercpted from Spiritual Depression, pp200-1. M. L. Jones
hehe I could never keep a secret like this - but it's a great idea! :) it'd probably be so much fun too! :) it might be the closest I ever get to the real thing :)
Last winter I took up singing in Leendert Kooy's choir (the OMCA concerts). It was such a blessing to sing praises and have fun times and fellowship with people of all ages. One of the song arrangements we learned was especially an encouragement to me both during that time and still now. It has reminded me time and again to bless the Lord, even when I least feel like it.
I am blessed.
Thru sunshine and rain, even sorrow and pain,
Jesus is my comfort and my guide;
For His love for me and His grace has set me free,
And some day I shall stand by His side!
I am blessed, I am blessed! Every day that I'm living I am blessed!
When I wake up in the morning till I lay my head to rest, I am blessed, I am blessed...
I've shoes for my feet, I have plenty to eat,
And a home in heaven by and by.
And through my new birth, brothers sisters here on earth,
We shall share in that home beyond the sky!
.... ..... .....
He gives you more grace when the burdens grow greater, He sends you more strength when the labours increase; To added affliction He's adding His mercy; To multiplied trials He multiplies peace...
His love has no limit, His grace has no measure;
His power has no boundary known unto men.
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He's giving, and giving, and giving again!
And when we've exhausted our store of endurance,
Our strength may have failed ere the day is half done.
I recently bought something that I had always dreamed of, ever since I was a child...
a motorcycle! :)
... part of me still can't believe it's actually sitting in the driveway!
It's such a fun way to get around, and it's already starting to feel quite normal... which is a good thing I suppose. I've had a couple of close calls, but nothing too scary yet. I've learned a lot about defensive driving, learning to read other drivers and stay out of their way.
Some people would say that I'm crazy to have such a hobby as this... but is it really? I've always openly admired motorcycles, loved looking at them, dreamt of riding one, and now the day has come...
Several weeks ago I had the privilege of helping Steve & Amy move their things into their summer internship home in Woodstock. What a huge house for such a small family! :) It was so nice to visit and spend some quality time with them! it's wonderful to have them so close for the summer!
I don't have very many pictures of this event, but it sure was fun! Thanks to all the organizers! you all must have put a lot of work into it to make it a fun day! others have posted pictures, but I didn't have my camera along, too bad...
What a beautiful day it turned out to be, with the sun shining and blue skies! We played several fun team games with everyone of all ages helping each other... I think our team got last place :) "and the last shall be first" but we didn't get a prize :)
This year they had their first (annual?) Dessert Queen Contest.... and guess who was the unlikely winner? me! bewildering thought, eh? :) maybe I've inherited some of Mom's talent after all! Mom was runner up, along with Laura A.
It's such a blessing to be part of the family of God, to be part of the church community, sharing time and fellowship and food and games together, being with one another not just on these fun filled days, but most especially throughout the year. We need more of that beautiful caring relationship among the Church today. I'm thankful for the gift of my church family, and pray that we may be an example to the other churches, and a light to the world, shining God's precious love, drawing them in.
"Jesus invites us to be his disciples. If we choose to accept his loving invitation, we must understand that there are certain conditions to be fulfilled. One of them is a willingness to accept the cross. Is this a once-for-all taking up of one particular burden? I don't think so. It seems to me that my "cross" is each particular occasion when I am given the chance to "die" - that is, to offer up my own will whenever it crosses Christ's. This happens very often. A disagreement with my husband can cause an argument and harsh words, even if the matter is ridiculously small - "When are you going to get that dashboard light fixed in the car?" I have already mentioned the light three times. It may be time to keep my mouth shut, but I don't want to keep my mouth shut. Here, then, is a chance to die. A decision which affects both of us may be a fairly big one, but we find ourselves on two sides of the fence. One of us, then, must "die". It is never easy for me. Shall I make excuses for myself (that's the way I am; it's my personality; it's the way I was raised; I'm tired; I can't hack it; it doesn't turn me on; you don't understand) or shall I pick up this cross?
"Perhaps my illustration seems to trivialize the cross of Christ. His was so unimaginably greater. What cross could I possibly take up which would be so analogous? Just here is the lesson for me: when Jesus took up his cross, Hewas saying yes with all his being to the will of the Father. If I am unwilling to say yes in even a very little thing, how shall I accept a more painful thing? What sort of practice does it take for a disciple to learn to follow the Crucified? A friend hurts us, a plan gooes awry, an effort fails - small things indeed. But then cancer strikes, a daughter marries unwisely, a business folds, a wife abandons her home and family. The call still comes to us: Take up your cross and come with Me. With You, Lord? Yes, with Me. Will You give me strength and show me the way? That was My promise - is it My custom to break promises?"
The other night we enjoyed a fun night of fellowship with the whole family... even Steven & Amy and Tim & Charlene made it! As is Mom's custom, she spoiled us all with her excellent cooking... and I made the same dessert that I made for our church picnic last weekend: a heavenly chocolate mousse cake... this recipe is amazing! yes, I'm finally learning the ropes in the kitchen, and it's actually quite fun!
Somehow we managed to get all the kids together for a picture, before it started pouring buckets...
We had a fun time playing Bonanza! my first time ever... great game, although I must say, my brain was fried after a long day at work, and it took me the whole game to really get the hang of it! :)
all that hard work paid off, eh Charlene? :)
This kid's a brain, as you can see! :) (playing cards, and only just over a year old :))
About a year ago, there was a terrible earthquake in China. One of the reporters who went there to investigate further into the cause of the earthquake, and to interview the mother of one of the children who died, encountered animosity and even violence from the authorities, which was caught on video... you can read/see the video about it on the Financial Times World News website.
It's so sad to think of the incredible amount of oppression and intervention of the government on every part of the life of the Chinese people, and even on outsiders! We know of it, but often forget about it - they live such a different life, so totally unfamiliar to us.
We can be so thankful for the freedoms that we have here in North America! Sometimes it seems as if we're slowly giving up our freedom in other less noticeable ways (but perhaps more sinister?) - take for example the new driver's license: it's got a radio chip and barcode in it that can be tracked through some sort of magnetized code (I don't understand it completely). You can read a little bit about it on The Toronto Star's website. The U.S. is also starting to issue these new "enhanced" drivers licenses (click here or here to read more).
Just a week ago we passed the anniversary of the horrible high school shooting at Columbine (April 20, 1999). Darrell Scott, the father of one of the victims of this tragedy, spoke to the House Judiciary Committee just a month later.
I couldn't find his address on the House Judiciary's Website (I'm wondering if they might have taken it off), but found it on the National Rifle Association's page (find it here). His address is very moving, and forces us to see where sin and violence actually come from - our own hearts.
"Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?...." James 4:1
You can become one! confess Jesus as your Savior, ask for forgiveness in His name, and live a life worthy of His name!
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
...that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11
For our citizenship is in heaven (those who have claimed Jesus as their Savior), from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians 3:20-21
All these people lived by faith... they did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance... they longed for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. Hebrews 11:13,16